About Us

Ritu Healthy Diet To reduce or gain weight which is long lasting. No short term solutions as there is no short term results which lasts long.


Degree :
Specialist in Advance diet and nutrition from BFY- Mumbai : BFY qualified dietitian.
(Approved by : Progressive Fitness Education World wide-U.S.A)

To improve the eating habits of every individual to make them healthy and energetic and content with whatever they are having.

To make them feel happy for their own self and see that the modified diet modifies their eating habits for their own betterment and make them lead a healthy life, free or with a controlled disease. Youthfulness and energy bloom from within they are never super imposed. Inches loss is better than weight loss.

Specialization: For weight loss, weight gain, therapeutic diet- diet for lifestyle diseases, diet for pregnancy and post pregnancy, child obesity.